Our series of articles aimed at parents gives advice on how you can help your child in positive ways and how to support them in their education and safety.

You may cut and paste material and adapt them as you see fit, provided you do not distribute the material to others. The material on this web site is protected by international copyright law.

We welcome any submissions from our users. Working together, we can ensure the website continues to grow, and remains a valuable source of information for teachers, parents and care providers. Please email any submissions to All submissions will be fully credited. Thank you.

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All material on this site is copyrighted and should not be redistributed without permission. All material and links on this site are provided in good faith. No responsibility can be assumed for the accuracy of the information held on this site or any consequences arising from the use of the information. We strongly advise teachers to check the accuracy and suitability of all worksheets and lesson plans before using them with their class. Unfortunately we are unable to guarantee that this site or that the materials on this site will be available at any given time – teachers are asked to bear this in mind when planning lessons. Contributors should ensure that all material sent for publication is their own work and does not infringe the copyright of others.