The support of our sponsors and contributors is essential. Without the generous help of businesses and individuals, we would be unable to reach our target audience who benefit from our publications and resources the most.
There are a few ways you can help…

Corporate sponsorship
It is only through the generous sponsorship of local and national businesses that we can continue to produce and distribute the campaign magazines, posters and educational materials. Your help directly funds everything we do. To discuss funding partnership opportunities, please call us on 0333 577 1505 to speak to one of our friendly advisors.
Contribute to the site
We are always looking to expand our library of parental and teaching resources. If you are a teacher, or other care or educational professional, we would welcome your input to our resources section. Please email us at accounts@prevent-uk.org if you would like to submit any session plans, handouts, leaflets or other documents for inclusion.

If you are a parent, educator or teacher wishing to use our resources to deliver lessons and courses to your students or children, we would love to hear from you. We can supply all the materials needed to deliver any of the lessons listed in our Resources section, completely free of charge. We would welcome any feedback, photos or videos that are taken during the lessons (with parental permission).
Sharing & distribution
Please feel free to download and print any of our publications and distribute them as you feel appropriate. By sharing and displaying in your youth club, sports hall or community centre etc, we can reach much further into the community. We only ask that you do not copy or edit our materials for your own use. Please read our Terms and Conditions for further information.